Why Muslims Can’t Afford Coaching

May 11, 2023

Over the last year I have spoken to over 100 Muslim professionals and entrepreneurs from all over the world who were interested in Islamic Time Management or high performance coaching to uplevel their lives.

This included accountants, lawyers, doctors, headteachers; but also homeschoolers, housewives and even students.

One of the biggest fears and obstacles to investing in coaching is the investment itself.

Ironically, over the 100 consults I've had, it is often the RICHEST candidates who've been the most reluctant to make what should be a no-brainer.

I've seen CEOs squirm in their seats to try to justify spending a small fraction of their salary; and in contrast I've met low income earners take massive action, and somehow raise the funds to get started.

Sumaira's case study below is an extreme example as she's from the East. But I've had plenty of Western clients who were willing to borrow or get creative in order to finance what they know will be a massive transformation.

The reality is that it's NOT TRUE that Muslims can't afford coaching.

And it's NOT TRUE that coaching is 'expensive'.

It's a MONEY MINDSET problem where we forget what we're capable of.

Think about the types of projects we will invest £1000s in without hesitation:

- £1000s for Umrah due to the spiritual transformation
- £1000s for a new car for the convenience
- £1000s for a house renovation for an improved lifestyle
- £1000s for a holiday to help revive family connection and self-care
- £1000s for a Masters/pHD/MBA in order to further our career
- £1000s on a health crisis
- £1000s on a business programme as we expect a R.O.I.
- £1000s on our children's education as we want them to have a secure future
- £1000s on a wedding - to make it a memorable event

This last example is worth pondering on. Families routinely will spend £1000s on wedding clothes, jewellery, venue and food. It's not necessary or Sunnah to do so - and yet we are willing to spend so much FOR ONE SINGLE DAY.

Spending a lot of money for Umrah or sadaqa makes huge sense as it benefits us for eternity.

At the end of the day, it's all about VALUE.

Culture and tradition sometimes conditions us to value the wrong thing. Why is it we value a designer jewellery or cars, but not self development?

Why are we perfectly content to spend £10,000s for 'formal' education and the pursuit of our careers, but expect Islamic and personal development education to be free?

So this brings us back to our discussion to coaching. A programme like my signature VISTA Time Mastery System can dramatically improve 3 of the 5 areas of life: Deen, Family, Health, Career or Finance. And this improvement can affect the rest of your life, and Akhira (especially as my approach is a unique Allah-centred one where my clients are taught to make all their progress for the sake of Allah).

Now you tell me, if a wedding - a single, important memorable day - is worth spending many £1000s for, how much is VISTA worth?

Sumaira Siddiky, a Bengali mother and accountant living in Malaysia, understood the value of a programme like VISTA.

She could have easily written off the opportunity as 'too expensive'. She's had all the excuses: she's a woman, she's not the main breadwinner, she has to fund her pHD, she's from one of the poorest countries in the world!

But she knew that just as anyone can find the money for a Masters or an Umrah or a wedding - IF they value it enough - then they can find it for life transformation.

So, after a momentous discussion with me, she decided she HAD to enrol on my VISTA Time Mastery Programme and get organised FAST.

Her achievements from there on are too much to describe here.

You’ve got to listen to the interview below and hear for yourself how she:

Gained massive momentum through my MABRUK MOMENT method
Aced her looming exams through help from the LEVERAGE LADDER strategy
Revived her marriage through the Q2 PLANNING SYSTEM

And much, much more…

SubhanAllah, you’ll see me surprised in several stages of the interview as I learn of yet more ways Sumaira levelled up.

This case study demonstrates the TRUE POWER OF COACHING and how it can literally transform your life from chaos, despair and failure to CLARITY, STRUCTURE and PREDICTABLE SUCCESS.

All whilst putting Allah first…

Watch for yourself...This is a truly inspiring case study

Your coach,

Tushar Imdad

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