Success Stories

Inspiring stories of Muslims who chose to rewrite the boundaries of possibility with courage and turned their aspirations into a flourishing reality.





Success Stories

Ā Inspiring stories of Muslims who chose to rewrite the boundaries of possibility with courage and turned their aspirations into a flourishing reality.


I took the Vista boot camp with Tushar Imdad and Iā€™ve got nothing but amazing words to say about it. Whether you're a developer or manager, you just need more focus on time management. The key message I think I took from Tushar's work and the Vista boot camp is that there's not just physical emphasis, there's emphasis on the religion and the ritual aspects which people can tend to ignore as well. You can become high performance and there's some tools, techniques, deeper blogs and how to plan your schedule and your calendar.

This is one of the unique ones. I don't think I've come across a holistic programme overall which covers the actual work, like the spiritual balance, physical and work related balance. It's overall very balanced. The group calls were really goodā€¦amazing stuff and overall everything just works together.


IT professional, Entrepreneur & Founder, ASCII Tech Labs


The Tahara and Islamic audit challenge highlighted the deficiencies that I should work on. In terms of work, in terms of professionalism, the three hours work day challenge was amazing.

I was able to plan. That is my biggest achievement from this coaching programme, being able to do these three hour hits. The Google calendar, oh, my God, that's been such a blessing.

One mantra which I'll never forget is ā€˜it's never too lateā€™. Any deadline, it's never too late. I'm so confident now and this mindset helped me change and regain my focus.

Thank you Tushar for guiding me and rediscovering me and taking me to the next level. Itā€™s from the heart.


NHS Doctor


The Tahara and Islamic audit challenge highlighted the deficiencies that I should work on. In terms of work, in terms of professionalism, the three hours work day challenge was amazing.

I was able to plan. That is my biggest achievement from this coaching programme, being able to do these three hour hits. The Google calendar, oh, my God, that's been such a blessing.

One mantra which I'll never forget is ā€˜it's never too lateā€™. Any deadline, it's never too late. I'm so confident now and this mindset helped me change and regain my focus.

Thank you Tushar for guiding me and rediscovering me and taking me to the next level. Itā€™s from the heart.


NHS Doctor

Ā The Vista programme is quite unique in terms of time management and it's something that I haven't come across anywhere.

I was looking for someone who could get me on a personal level, who understood my vision because I felt like I was on repeat constantly. I felt I needed to start becoming an entrepreneur and start changing my mindset to not just have the growth mindset, but also have an entrepreneurial mindset.

The good thing about the programme is that it's designed in a way to suit your learning journey.

I definitely feel more confident and assertive in trying to execute my vision now. I think it's tailored in the right way. I think there's wisdom in it and I would encourage everyone to join and benefit from it.


Management level Accountant & Realtor


Working with brother Tushar was a great experience. He's a very, very humane individual and one feels very safe in his environment, in his domain. One of the great outcomes for me on this programme is that I feel so much more resourceful and equipped to achieve my mission and vision in life.

So if you're thinking of working with him, I'd encourage you to do so as it's a worthwhile investment.


Senior Chartered Accountant


Ā As a trauma orthopaedic consultant in a really hectic lifestyle, I always had feelings of guilt and overwhelm.

This programme has really helped me define that. I think the greatest strength is that it is based on our Deen. Brother Tushar is a really great coach. He shows flexibility, he shows a lot of enthusiasm and is very contactable.

Joining the programme has helped me put things into perspective. It's helped me define my priorities in life, define what I want to do and where I'm heading.


Trauma Orthopaedic Consultant


As a trauma orthopaedic consultant in a really hectic lifestyle, I always had feelings of guilt and overwhelm.

This programme has really helped me define that. I think the greatest strength is that it is based on our Deen. Brother Tushar is a really great coach. He shows flexibility, he shows a lot of enthusiasm and is very contactable.

Joining the programme has helped me put things into perspective. It's helped me define my priorities in life, define what I want to do and where I'm heading.


Trauma Orthopaedic Consultant

With the Vista programme, I've managed to work out my goals in each area. The mission statement just really put everything in line and just made me realise that it's not just about my work, it's not just about my children. There's so much more that I need to concentrate on.

I just feel so much more productive.

I wouldn't have been able to achieve everything that I've achieved in the last couple of months if I hadn't done this course. I've now got the tools to be able to manage my time in a much better way.


Life coach & mother of 4


I reached out to Tushar with the intention of learning about time management and to beat procrastination and for that reason, I enrolled in the Vista Time Management System which has been extremely useful to me. The programme is very beneficial and we received many tools, guidance and teachings regarding mindset, time management, planning, habit formation and other subjects as well.

I definitely recommend it to everyone. Whoever wants to achieve higher goals in life and wants to plan ahead and be more organised, it definitely is a course that is going to help a lot.




I reached out to Tushar with the intention of learning about time management and to beat procrastination and for that reason, I enrolled in the Vista Time Management System which has been extremely useful to me. The programme is very beneficial and we received many tools, guidance and teachings regarding mindset, time management, planning, habit formation and other subjects as well.

I definitely recommend it to everyone. Whoever wants to achieve higher goals in life and wants to plan ahead and be more organised, it definitely is a course that is going to help a lot.



Iā€™m really really glad that I came across him, especially at a time when I really needed his help. Before beginning my coaching with him, I was really struggling with my schedule, my productivity with my energy levels.

Being coached by him and having somebody give you that expert and independent perspective on what I'm doing right and what I'm being wrong was very, very beneficial. Within just a few sessions of our coaching, he was able to help me overcome a big problem which was sleeping on time and waking up nice and early. It made a huge impact on my productivity and that obviously has an impact on your work and that has an impact on your income and performance and everything else really.

I would strongly recommend coaching with Tushar. Not only has he helped me overcome productivity issues that I had for decades but he's also helped me gain clarity on my personal missionĀ as a Muslim.

I now spend my days and my time very carefully fine-tuned to those objectives and I strongly encourage anyone who wants to do more with their life, anyone who wants to achieve more, anyone who wants to break out of anything that's holding them back from their full potential to take that step and see the benefits for yourself.ā€




When I first met brother Tushar, I didnā€™t have a structure to my day. I was just doing so many things at once. I was burnt out. The Vista Time Mastery programme made a massive difference in my life. I feel like my day now is more structured.

I could see the change as soon as I started the course, literally everything from family to my marriage. With the business as well, I was able to achieve goals. Because I felt like I was stuck in the beginning. I had a limited amount of product, but within the eight weeks of the course, I was able to scale.

The weekly planner helped me dramatically. That just literally structures my week. I'm so glad that I did this course. I feel like such a different person now as to how I was before. I feel more ambitious and more confident. Where before I used to just be like ā€˜I can't be bothered with thisā€™, now Iā€™m more relaxed, more excited for the day, and happier.


Radiographer & Entrepreneur


Alhamdulillah Iā€™ve taken the Ramadan Habit course by Tushar and his Principles of Time Management course. What Iā€™d say about his coaching is, he has worked with the experts, he has worked with authorities in productivity and he has gone the extra mile. He has applied what heā€™d learned to his own life and he knows how to share and impart that knowledge to guide his trainees.

My life has improved dramatically because of his work. My salah is now regular and Iā€™m reading the Quran now frequently. Itā€™s enhanced areas where I didnā€™t understand productivity. Being coached by him I now know how to have an accountability partner. I highly recommend him. I cannot stress enough how important it is in this day and age to have someone who can guide you to have a better, successful and happier life.ā€


Ambitious Professional


I took the ā€˜Overcome Overwhelmā€™ coaching course with Tushar because one main reason was the Allah-centric approach. There are a lot of really useful tools, such as the time tracking and the idea around habits and all the productivity hacks. But the key was Tusharā€™s focus on making Allah my number one focus.

If you're looking for a coach to challenge you and push you and if youā€™re looking for somebody who is easy to talk to but at the same time hold you accountable, then this is definitely worth the investment.ā€


Quality Control Manager, Amazon


I took the ā€˜Overcome Overwhelmā€™ coaching course with Tushar because one main reason was the Allah-centric approach. There are a lot of really useful tools, such as the time tracking and the idea around habits and all the productivity hacks. But the key was Tusharā€™s focus on making Allah my number one focus.

If you're looking for a coach to challenge you and push you and if youā€™re looking for somebody who is easy to talk to but at the same time hold you accountable, then this is definitely worth the investment.ā€


Quality Control Manager, Amazon

SubhanAllah, before working with brother Tushar, I was someone who was a bit all over the place. I had the drive to want to learn and achieve and do things, but in the process that kind of caused me to be a little straddle-minded. Alhamdulillah, after working closely with brother Tushar, he helped me hone in and focus more.

Through his coaching, he helped me learn how not to be distracted by social media and phone. He is someone who is constantly there by your side, keeping you accountable, checking in, giving you the practical steps and homework that you need to be able to achieve those goals.

I highly recommend that whoever desires to improve themselves to be more productive and to get more things done in an efficient manner, that you work closely with brother Tushar and you will see inshaā€™Allah results that youā€™ll be pleased with.


You deserve an incredible story too.

Whether you feel powerless in the face of obstacles, find your path filled with challenges or just need that extra push, believe that itā€™s all possible. The opportunity for growth and transformation awaits you.